It's not just my opinion when I say she was one of the most beautiful cats anyone has ever seen. People told me that literally right up to her last moments here with me.
Her name came about because she looked exactly like a Kahlua and milk drink that wasn't properly stirred. Her colors ranged from white to various shades of brown, to almost black.
Her personality matched her looks. She was very warm and affectionate and loved to be with people. She was very flirty.
She almost always waited for me at the door when I got home from work. She'd get upset with me after I had been away on a trip for any extended amount of least for the first few minutes, just to let me know she wasn't pleased about my absence, and then she'd be back to normal once she made her point.
She used to make the cutest little "coo" types of sounds when I walked near her and woke her up, and she'd yawn and do her little 'kitty stretch' and reach her arm out to me as I walked by.
She was often the reason I woke up in the morning and often the reason I went to bed at night. When I was up too late fiddling around with the TV or the computer or whatever, she would come and get me and walk me to my bedroom. She was a great snuggler and purred me to sleep for many many years.
I will always truly miss her and I feel so lost without her.
Although it's too late to help us, please consider a donation to an animal cancer group.