Enter at your own risk...Parental guidance is suggested.
I haven't updated this page since late 2006 so I don't know what is still relevant or not these days.
These days more time is spent on things like MySpace and My Blog so this page gets neglected.
This page has become a hodge-podge of assorted pages with links to other websites...some of which are cool and useful while others may be lame or boring. Some may be well-known, and others may be quite obscure.
There is no rhyme or reason to anything here and there is no uniformity but
hopefully there will be something to hold your interest.
If you have any suggestions for links to include, or if any of the links
turn up bad, or if you wanna tell me about something that you like here or dislike here, you can tell me by emailing stuff at struff dot com.
-------- > The right side of this page has a few more pages of my own.
Kevin Smith, also known as the "Silent Bob" half of "Jay & Silent Bob", has an outstanding blog where he writes in detail about his films. I especially like his nine-part story about "Jay's" real-life addiction and rehab -- very emotional, especially if you've ever tried helping an addict yourself. I was glued to the computer for about a month reading it.
"Twitchels", the comic with Tourettes, regularly heard on the Opie & Anthony show.
Read what waiters
and waitresses have said about various celebrities they have served at
autographedtoyou.com has a small (but hopefully growing) selection of pics you can buy that are signed by celebrities.
coversproject.com is a database of
songs that were played by musicians other than the original. If your favorite band has a song that someone else recorded, you can enter it. You can see how that song or that band links to other songs/bands, thus creating a chain not unlike the fabled Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
What is the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, you may ask? It is the theory that almost every actor can be linked to Kevin Bacon. For example, someone I used to work with was in a movie with someone who was in a different movie with Kevin Bacon.
That makes my former co-worker two degrees away. Try it
online and see how many degrees away you can get. It's not easy. They also have a new Elvis version where you enter someone's name and see how far removed they are from The King.
We've all seen the "this page cannot be displayed" page while surfing the 'net, right? Well this one is just a little bit different and more fun to read.
Check out my "arrest"
reports (and how to get one of your own).
See the police
mugshots of celebrities such as Pee-Wee Herman, Larry King, and Bill Gates.
Tired of getting the runaround when calling automated telephone systems? There are a few websites that have alternate phone numbers and ways to bypass the crap to get to live operators. One such website is here
and there is another one
News and info
about cell service providers in the northeastern U.S. from
You can use gaspricewatch.com
to check gasoline prices -- especially useful these days!
Google Video lets you watch archived TV programs and more -- just type in your search term and Google Video will search through closed captioning and text descriptions. You can also check out the Google Labs page which gives you a sneak peak at some of the new ideas they are working on.
Lots of websites (including Google) have telephone directories but I like PhoneNumber.com because it is easy to use and gives you several other options, too.
Paying too much for prescriptions? Thought about getting them from Canada but worried about safety or reliability? Try smartchoicepharmacy.com. We've been using them since 2001 and haven't had any problems.
What does your phone number spell?
PhoNETic finds words within telephone numbers.
pcpitstop.com for free automated tests to get your PC running faster, make it more stable, and identify security problems.
Ever wanna know how your computer or your TV or cell phone work? Find out how everything works at
The Straight Dope is where the world's smartest human being can answer your question about about anything. Past questions include: is it possible to straighten and lengthen a penis?
Ever dream of being in a movie? Here's your chance: beinamovie.com. When the Hollywood studios need people for big crowd scenes in movies, they use services like this.
How To
Spot an Email Hoax -- A MUST read! No, seriously, PLEASE read this so you stop sending me such email!
If women take off their clothes, will it really help keep terrorists away? That would sure be nice, huh. Did Van Halen really ban brown M&M's from their dressing room? Did Rod Stewart really get his stomach pumped out? Find out if any of this stuff is true on the snopes.com urban legends reference site.
Are you bored with the limited number of icons available for your Instant Message or Chat program? There are thousands
to choose from at badassbuddy.com
and ballericons.com and
Planning on a trip to the ocean? Wanna know how cold the water is? Look up a nearby buoy and find out.
Does your cell phone service suck? Do you complain to Customer Service about dead spots and they think you're smoking
crack? DeadCellZones.com will believe you. Tell them about your dead spots or read about where other people have problems.
So you have a really neato multi-component remote control for all of your audio and video stuff at home, but you just bought a new component and you can't find the instructions to program it into that cool remote? Well you may be in luck at remotecentral.com.
We've all seen how pure they say that Dove soap is, but how pure are you? Take the Purity Test online (I am 33% pure, my friends Greg and Jeff are both 27% pure, and Shannon is the purest of us all so far at 55).
After you find out how pure
you are, see who your celebrity dream date would be at emode.com (mine is Cameron Diaz....sweet!).
The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the any sane or rational human being.
They do not have anything to do with the company I work for or anyone
else I know so in no way can anyone else be held
responsible for my thoughts, words, or links here, as stupid as they may be sometimes.
Everything written or linked on this page is strictly for my amusement
and enjoyment only, although everyone is invited and encouraged to stop by
Thank you very much. Have a nice day.
Live long and prosper. May the force be with you. Professional driver on a closed course.
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.
Use only as directed.
(Counter re-set 9/19/01)
All of the pages that I write tend to look better when using fairly current versions of either Netscape or IE.
This site was last updated
July 22, 2006.
My Travel-blog (also known as "Dave's
Diary") is updated fairly often.
Recent entries include a trip to Montreal and a couple of concerts that I went
If I know you, and your name is not in the list
above, it's only because you haven't reminded me that you have a webpage...and
if you really know me, you know how scatter-brained I can be. ;-)